National University NU Student Vaccine Registration 2022

NU Student Vaccine Registration

The National University NU Student Vaccine Registration 2022 has started. The NU Students Corona Virus Vaccine Registration can be done through the website. The NU Covid 19 Vaccine Registration can be done till January 15, 2022. The National University Extended the Deadline Today with a Notice. Earlier, the Application's last Date was July 12. However, the Application Deadline will not be extended anymore.

The National University Honours, Masters, Degree (Pass), and all other students can register through the official registration website. The Registration Process is open for all Students of National University Colleges and Institutions.

NU students can register for the vaccine online through the designated website. There is no opportunity to register directly or otherwise. Also, no student will be able to register after the stipulated time limit.

Only Current Students of the National University can be Register for vaccination who have a Registration Number. Registration Number will be verified on NU official Vaccine registration website. After input the Registration number and proceed the next step, the Students Date will be shown from the National University Central Database. Honours Regular, irregular, or improvement students will be able to register. NU Vaccine Registration Degree and Masters can also be done with their Registration Number. Private students will also be able to register with their Academic Registration Number for NU Student Vaccine Registration Program 2022. If you don't got the Registration Number or Card yet, Contact your Responsive College/Institute soon.

All students of all educational institutions affiliated with the National University Bangladesh will be able to register. Students of any year can be registered.

Students of all colleges and educational institutions of the National University will be able to complete this registration through their registration number according to the Registration Card. The student's national identity card number or Birth Registration Number will also be required. In this phase of the Registration, Students can be Registered with Birth Registration Number.

The National University has taken this initiative to bring their students under vaccination. After confirming the vaccination of all the students, all the examinations will be taken and the educational activities will be started. However, since the National University has a large number of students, it is a matter of time.

The National University will gradually bring the registered students under vaccination. This activity will be completed with different phases. After Completion the Registration, the Students list will be Provided to Ministry of Health.

In addition to the students, the National University Authority ask for registration to bring the teachers, officers, and employees of all the colleges and educational institutions affiliated to the university besides the NU Student Vaccine Registration System. Teachers, officers, and employees have to register through their respective institutions or colleges.

NU Student Vaccine Registration 2022

  • Application deadline: 15 January 2022
  • Who can register: National University All students of any years
  • Application website:

How to Register?

National University students will be able to complete the registration process through, the website designated for vaccine registration. Vaccine Registration can be make by NID Card Number of Birth Registration Number. Follow the steps below to complete the registration.

  1. Click here to visit Registration website
  2. Enter your registration number and enter the next step.
  3. If your data found in the server, you will be able to see all the information like your name, college etc.
  4. Fill in the application form with your Birth Registration number, Mobile number etc.
  5. If you have already received the vaccine, select ‘Yes’. Select 'No' if you have not yet received any dose of the vaccine.
  6. Select your residential status.
  7. If all the information is correct, submit the application form and print it.

If your Application Submitted Successfully, you will see a congratulatory message mentioning your registration number. If not successful, try again.

Next Procedure After Registration

After Completion the Registration with Birth Registration Number in, Students must collect the Certification and Completed the Finally Registration through Surokkha website or apps within 15 January 2022. The concerned colleges will also inform their students about the next update. So wait for the National University Notice for Next Process. You may follow the official website or bookmark this page.

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