NU Masters Result 2024 CGPA: Final Year 2021 (Session 2020 21)

NU Masters Result

Breaking News! The National University of Bangladesh Just Released the NU Masters Result 2024. This is the Masters Final Year Result 2024. The Result has been Released today, July 14, 2024. The National University has published a notice in this regard on their official website,

According to the NU Masters Final Year Result 2024 notice, the result can be checked through the website. It can also be known by sending an SMS. This is the Masters Exam Result 2021 for regular, irregular, and Improvement. The Results will be available online at 8:00.

NU Masters Result 2024

Today, NU Masters Result 2024 has been released. According to the National University of Bangladesh, the Pass Rate is 71.27 percent in Masters Final Year Result.

According to the National University Information, there was 1 Lakh an 83 thousand and 79 candidate was participated in the Masters Regular Examination 2024. They participated in this examination as a regular, irregular, Grade Improvement and CGPA Improvement Candidates.

Among of them, there are 1 lakh 30 thousands and 489 Candidates has been Passed.

The Masters Final Year Examination for MA, MSS, MBA, MBS, MSc, and M Muse was held at 176 colleges in 122 centers. The Examination was held for 28 Subjects under the National University of Bangladesh.

NU Masters Final Year Result 2021

The Masters Final Year Result 2024, which has been Released today, is basically the Masters Final Year Result 2021. This is the Masters (Regular) Result for Regular, Irregular, and Improvement Candidates. The Result has been released through the www nu ac bd results and www nubd info results. Candidates can check the Result with CGPA through those two websites.

The Result can also be known by Sending an SMS from any Mobile Phone Operator. The Result will be available online and via SMS from 8:00. However, it can be known much earlier than the schedule time.

NU Masters Result 2023 Final Year

How to check the Masters Final Year Result?

The Masters Final Year Result 2024 can be check online and via SMS. To check the Result online and find the Masters Final Year Result with CGPA you have to visit the nu masters result 2024 session 2019 20 link. The Masters CGPA Result can also be check through the website. To check the Final Year Masters Result 2024, follow the instruction below.

www nu ac bd results

To check the Results through the www nu ac bd results website, follow the instruction below.

  1. Visit website directly.
  2. Now go to the Masters Tab from the Menu.
  3. Now go to the Final Year option.
  4. Now Provide your Masters Registration Number.
  5. If possible, provide your Roll Number (optional).
  6. Write “2021” as Exam year.
  7. Write the Security Code exactly.
  8. Press the “Search Result” button.

Please note that, if you want to check the Masters Final Year CGPA Result 2024, you should be provide both Roll and Registration Number.

www nubd info results

This is the Latest Publication Website of National University. Through this website, NU Masters Final Year Result 2024 with CGPA has been released. This website is much faster than the official website. So you are recommended to check your Result through this website. To find your result through the www nubd info results masters 2024 link follow the guideline below.

  1. Access the website.
  2. Now Select the “Masters Final Year” as Examination Name.
  3. Write your Registration Number.
  4. Write “2021” as Exam Year.
  5. Press the “Search Result” button.

After pressing the Search Result button, the Result will be appearing on a Popup window. If you face any difficulties, please refresh this page.

NU Masters Final Year Result 2023

Masters Final Year Result 2024 by SMS

National University Masters Final Year Result 2024 can also be known by Sending SMS. To check the Result by SMS, follow the Instruction below and send a Message from any Mobile Phone.

  1. Go to the Message Option.
  2. Type- NU <space> MF <space> Roll Number (Example: NU MF 123456).
  3. Send the SMS to 16222.

SMS can be sending from any Mobile Number. After Sending the Message, you will be informed your Masters Result 2024 by a reply. The NU Masters Result 2024 will be containing your Result with Subject-wise grade. However, to check the Result with CGPA, you should be visiting the National University Bangladesh official website www nu ac bd results or www nubd info results.

If you have any complain about your result, you can be applying for Re-scrutiny. The Review Application process has also been published along with the NU Masters Result 2024. Complain must be sent by written within one month of the Masters Result 2024 Publication Date.

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