National University Masters Preliminary Private Admission 2021

National University Masters Preliminary Private Admission Circular 2021 has been published. The NU Masters Preli Private Admission Form can be filled through the website.

On 21 January 2021, the Bangladesh National University published the Preliminary to Masters Private Admission Notice. According to the circular, online admission application started on 25 January 2021. Admission form can be filled till February 7, 2021.

Application Eligibility

  • To be admitted in the Masters Preliminary Private Course of the National University, one has to have the following qualifications.
  • Candidates must be passed three years pass course Under the National University from 2014 to 2018 as the regular / private examinee. Or
  • Candidates who have passed only certificate in the graduation (honors) examination from 2014 to 2017 from the National University can apply.
  • Candidate must get 45% marks or get CGPA 2.25.
  • Candidates must have 400 marks in that subject in graduation level, where they want to admit.
  • Candidates who have passed the certificate course examination from the National University can also apply.

Masters Preliminary Private Admission Form 2021

Eligible and interested candidates need to fill up an online application form for registration from the National University Admissions website The applicant has to complete the registration by submitting the application form printed online to the designated college. Applications can be submitted till February 8. To complete the registration, the candidate has to pay an application fee of Tk. 300 and a registration fee of Tk. 800.

  1. Visit website or Click Here
  2. Open the Preli Masters Private Application Form from the Masters option.
  3. Provide graduation roll, registration number and other information.
  4. Provide necessary information and upload your photo in 120x150 pixels in 50KB maximum.
  5. Download the pledge and sign and upload.
  6. Print the application form and submit it to your designated college.




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