NU CoronaVirus Vaccine Registration Website Link

NU CoronaVirus Vaccine Registration Website Link

National University NU Coronavirus Vaccine Registration Website Link has been Disclosed. National University Corona Virus Vaccine Registration has already started through this link. The Bangladesh National University authority issued a circular on 15 January 2022 for the Students to provide information by Covid-19 Vaccine Registration. The deadline has been extended for National University students corona vaccine application. It has been extended today by a Notice on http student covidinfo. The Registration Deadline is now 15 January 2022. Students have to complete the registration within the stipulated time frame. It has not been extended anymore.

NU Students Must Complete the Registration through Corona Virus Registration link for Covid-19 Vaccination. Students have to complete the registration through this website.

Who can Register?

All Active Students are eligible for Vaccine Registration. Students, who are studying at any college or instute affliated to the National University are eligible to register for the vaccination program. They can be registered through NU Coronavirus Vaccine Registration Website Link. Honours, Masters, Degree Pass Courses, Professionals, and all other students can register for the vaccine through this link. National University authorities will bring regular and irregular students of all years under the vaccination.

National University Vaccine Registration

National University students will be vaccinated against coronavirus. University authorities have asked students for information to bring them under the vaccine program. University authorities have issued urgent instructions to send information about the Covid-19 vaccine to students of all educational institutions affiliated with the National University to prevent and reduce the risk of the coronavirus pandemic.

NU Coronavirus Vaccine Registration Link

Filled the Vaccine Form through website. The form can be filled up by 15 January 2022. According to a directive of the National University, the matter is of national importance and urgent consideration related to public health.

In addition, as per the office order, teachers/researchers, officers, employees, all colleges / educational institutions affiliated to the National University are requested to log in to the website and update the college profile on an urgent basis and send the required information online.

What information is Required to Register?

National University Corona Vaccine Registration requires students to provide their respective information. Registration will be completed only after providing the required information and submitting the application form. Let's take a look at what information is required for National University Corona Vaccine Registration.

  • Registration number (as per registration card)
  • Student National Identity Card Number.
  • A mobile number.
  • Vaccination Status of the Students
  • Students Residential Status
  • Others

NU Coronavirus Vaccine Registration Website Link

National University students can easily complete their tick registration in a few simple steps. To do this, complete the following tasks step by step.

  1. First visit the official website for Registration.
  2. Enter your Honours / Masters / Degree / Professional / Other registration number.
  3. Enter the next step. You will see all your information.
  4. Provide your NID/Birth Registration Number and Mobile number.
  5. If you have already received the Corona Vaccine, select 'Yes'. Select 'No' if you have not received the vaccine.
  6. Provide information if you are a resident or a non-resident student.
  7. Provide other necessary information.
  8. If all the information is correct, submit and print the paper and keep it to yourself.
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