NTRCA Teachers Recruitment Result 2023

NTRCA Teacher Recruitment Result 2023 has been Published. A list of recommendations for appointment of about 27 thousand 754 vacancies in the private education institute has been prepared. Different sources of the Ministry of Education have said that any time it can be revealed. Non-government teacher registration and certification authorities NTRCA have finished all preparations for the list. This list may be published on Sunday night. NTRCA Sources said that, if the list could not be published on Sunday for any reason, it will be published on Monday.

Officials said the verification process of the application has been completed. The list has been prepared. The list of recommended candidates will be published at any time in website. It is known that, the list of recommendations will be uploaded to the website. Then the recommendations will be published. Recommended candidates will download the recommendation letter using their own password. In February, joining 27 thousand 754 vacancies will be started.

It is known that, if any organization obstructs the appointment of the recommendations, punishment will be taken against them. If the complaint is received, then the Education Board will be informed from the NTRCA. The Board will break the organization's management committee.

NTRCA Merit List

It is to be noted that on March 2023, the non-government teacher registration and certification authority (NTRCA) released a public circular for appointing teachers in about 68 thousand vacancies in non-government educational institutions. According to the circular, 31 lakh applications were submitted the online application for teacher's post.


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