The Medical Admission Circular 2025 has been published. MBBS Admission Form 2024-2025 can be filled out through the website. Admit Card has to be downloaded from the same website at the end of the application period. Admission Test Date, Center Name and Seat Plan has been mentioned on the Admit Card.
A comprehensive admission test has been held for all government and private medical colleges in Bangladesh. Admission test results has been released at the end of the test. Admissions from the merit list and waiting list has been completed in all government medical colleges. Private medical colleges will complete the admission process from the same list. Private medical colleges will issue admission notices after the admission process of government medical colleges.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has published the new admission policy 2025 for MBBS and BDS courses in medical and dental colleges. The policy was signed on Monday (November 2) and signed by the secretary of the ministry’s family welfare department. The MBBS Admission Test will be held on 17 January 2025, Friday, 10 am to 11 am.
Admission Test Admit Card must be downloaded within the stipulated time after the online application deadline. The Admit Card will include the Exam Date, Center Name, Address, Exam Center Code, and detailed Seat Plan.
The MBBS Admission Test has been taken simultaneously in the same question at the designated test center. Admission Test Result has been released after the test. The Govt and Non-govt Medical College the MBBS Admission Process has been completed through this Merit and waiting list.
At present, there are a total of 100 medical colleges in Bangladesh. Of these, 31 are government, and 69 are private medical colleges.
There are 9,568 seats for MBBS courses in public and private medical colleges. Of these, the number of seats in government medical colleges is 6,250 and the number of seats in private medical colleges is 3,318.
MBBS Admission 2024-2025
- Application Start: 10 December 2024
- Application Deadline: 27 December 2024
- Admission Website:
- Admit Card Download: 12-14 January 2025
- Admission Test Date: 17 January 2025, Friday, 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Required GPA/ Eligibility
To apply for admission in public and private medical colleges, a candidate must have the following qualifications.
- The applicant must be a Bangladeshi citizen. Only foreign students can apply for seats reserved for foreigners by the government.
- Candidates must pass the HSC or equivalent examination in 2023 or 2024
- The total GPA in SSC and HSC or equivalent two exams in the science group should be at least 9.00.
- Tribal and Non-tribal candidates from hill districts should have a minimum total GPA of 8.00 in SSC and HSC level examinations. However, a Less than Minimum GPA of 3.50 will not be accepted for any exam individually.
- SSC and HSC or equivalent examinations must include Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
- Must have a minimum GPA of 4.00 in Biology in HSC or equivalent examination.
Medical Admission Form 2025
Medical admission application for the MBBS course will start at 10:00 am on 10 December 2024. The application deadline is 27 December 2024, Monday at 11:59 p.m. No application has been accepted after the stipulated time limit.
To Apply for Medical College you need to Prepare yourself by Discussing with Guardian(s). Before applying for MBBS Course Please ensure some Information and Materials.
- Make your Medical College Preference List according to Serial.
- A 300×300 Pixel Recent Color Photograph.
- A 300×80 Pixel Signature by Scanning.
- Admission Test Center List by Choice.
- A Teletalk Mobile Phone for Payment
If all goes well, start filling out the admission form. Complete the following steps to complete the application for admission to the MBBS course.
- Visit first or click here for the Application Form.
- If you are a student of Bangla Medium, Select the “Online application form for National Curriculum (SSC & HSC / Equivalent) candidates.” option. Select “Online application form for GCE (O / A / Both / Equivalent) candidates” if you are a student of English Medium. Please proceed if you have an equivalent certificate code from DGHS.
- The next step is to provide your SSC Roll and Registration Number, HSC Roll and Registration Number, Education Board Name, and pass year.
- Provide your permanent address, current address, mobile number, one more optional mobile number, quota information if there is a quota, etc.
- Provide a medical preference list.
- The next step is to preview and verify all your information.
- Upload your photo and signature.
- “Submit” the application form and download the applicant’s copy.
- Pay the required application fee as per the instructions of the applicant’s copy.
Payment Instruction
After Completing all of the Information you need to Recheck it Frequently. If you are Satisfied with your information now you can Submit it and It’s Ready for Print Out. Take a Print Copy to Reserve it for Future Reference and Make the Payment within 72 Hours. Application Fees Payment Instruction:
To Pay MBBS Admission Fee Via Teletalk Mobile Phone Please Follow the Instruction from below.
MBBS<space>User ID and Send it to 16222
Example: MBBS FGLTGS and Send it to 16222
After Sending the First SMS, Teletalk will Replay you With a PIN Mentioning Application Fees. Please Note the PIN Number and Now Send Second SMS.
Go to Your Mobile Phone Message Option Again and type-
MBBS<space>PIN<space>Center Code
Example: MBBS YES 45632115 19,47,38,26
- Give 4 Center Code by Preference with (,) Comma.
Center Codes and Seats Capacity
The candidate has to select the exam center name while paying the application fee for medical admission. At least 3 center codes should be written with a comma. Below are the names of the centers, codes, and the total number of candidates.
SL. No | Center Code | Examination Centre |
1 | 12 | Chattogram Medical College, Chattogram |
2 | 14 | Cumilla Medical College, Cumilla |
3 | 15 | Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka |
4 | 16 | Dinajpur Medical College, Dinajpur |
5 | 17 | Faidpur Medical College, Faridpur |
6 | 18 | Gopalganj Medical College, Gopalganj |
7 | 22 | Khulna Medical College, Khulna |
8 | 24 | M.A.G. Osmani Medical College, Sylhet |
9 | 27 | Mugda Medical College, Dhaka |
10 | 28 | Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh |
11 | 33 | Pabna Medical College, Pabna |
12 | 35 | Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi |
13 | 37 | Rangpur Medical College, Rangpur |
14 | 40 | Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Dhaka |
15 | 41 | Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Medical College, Kishoreganj |
16 | 43 | Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College, Bogura |
17 | 44 | Sher-E-Bangla Medical College, Barishal |
18 | 45 | Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka |
19 | 99 | Dhaka Dental College, Dhaka |
Medical Admission Circular 2024-2025

Medical Admit Card 2025
Medical Admission Admit Card 2025 has been Published. Medical Admit Card 2024-2025 can be downloaded from Today 12 January 2025. MBBS Admission Admit Card can be downloaded till 14 January, 2025. This year, the Government and Private Medical College Admission test for MBBS Course will be held on 17 January, 2025. After the schedule date, no admit card can be downloaded.
The Directorate General of Medical Education (DGME) will inform the applicants about the publication of the admit card via SMS. After receiving the SMS, the applicants will be able to download the admit card from the mbbs website. To download and print the admit card, the candidate has to login with their user ID and password. If the user ID and password are lost, they can be recovered from the same website.
How to download the Medical Admission Admit Card?
The MBBS Admit Card 2025 can be downloaded from the government and private medical college admission website DGME Teletalk Com BD. The Admit Card can be downloaded from the MBBS option on this website. Candidates can download the admit card by logging in with their user ID and password in the admit card option. You can follow the instructions below to download it.
- Visit the website or Click Here to Download.
- Login with your user ID and password.
- Download and print the PDF file.
Medical Admission Admit Card 2024-2025 can be downloaded from January 12, 2025. MBBS Admit Card can be downloading till 14 January 2025. Candidates can download the admit card by logging in with their user ID and password.

MBBS Seat Plan 2025
Medical Seat Plan 2025 information is mentioned in the Admit Card. The admit card contains detailed information about the exam center name, venue name, address, room number etc. As a result, no separate seating arrangement has been published. Detailed seating arrangements has been available after downloading the admit card. The seat information is mentioned in each admit card in such a way that the examinees find his/her seat directly. The admit card also mentions the date of admission test and instructions regarding the test. However, additional information has been available on your exam venue notice board.
Special Instruction for Candidates:
- Read instructions for candidates printed on the answer sheet (OMR) first, then start answering after detaching carefully this OMR answer sheet from the question paper at the very beginning of the exam.
Others Instruction:
- Please print & bring this admit card along with your HSC/equivalent admit card/registration card during admission test and preserve it for further admission
formalities. - Candidate shall carry black ink ball point pen for writing. Carrying mobile phone, calculator and watch are strictly prohibited in exam hall.
- Candidate shall report to the respective Centre of examination 30 minutes prior to start time of written examination. Exam time is 1 hour (10am to 11am).
- Examinees must enter the exam hall before 09:30am. Main gate of examination centre has been closed at 09:30am
Medical Admission Mark Distribution and Question Pattern
A total of 100 Marks MCQ Type written test will be held. If you get 40 marks on it, it has been considered a pass. Those who get less than 40 marks on the written test has been considered as fail. Only successful candidates has been included in the merit list.
- Marks has been Counted from HSC and SSC: 200
- Marks for Admission Test: 100
- Total Marks of Admission: 300
- Written Test Total Marks: 100
- Physics Chemistry Biology English General Knowledge 20 25 30 15 12 (Bangladesh Affairs-6 and International Affairs-6)
Important Information About Admission Test:
- 0.25 Marks has been Deduct for Each Wrong Answer in Written Examination.
- 5.0 Marks has been Deduct who Seat for Admission Test 2022.
Medical Admission Result
The Medical Admission Result 2025 has been Published Today on 19 January 2025. It has been Confirmed by Directorate General of Health Education DGME officials. MBBS Result 2025 has been Published for all Government and Private Medical College in Bangladesh. Candidates can be check it from 1:00 pm. The Medical Pass Rate was 39.86 Percent. Medical Result 2025 has been Published through Website and SMS. Total Passed Candidates was 79,337. Among of them, total of 4,350 Candidates Selected for Admission in Government Medical Colleges. Before it, Directorate General of Health Education DGME said, Work is underway to prepare the Medical Admission Test Result for MBBS Course. This information was given by Directorate General of Health DGHS Source to Result Bangladesh.
The MBBS Admission Result 2025 published through mbbs website. The successful candidates are starting to informed about the result through SMS. The waiting list has also been published along with the MBBS Admission Test Merit List. Admission to all government medical colleges and private medical colleges in Bangladesh has been completed on the basis of this merit list and waiting list. They has been follow the Merit Score of the Candidates.
This time, a large number of candidates took part in the admissions test for 2024–2025. The CSE department of the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) has been enlisted to help in the production of the Medical Admission Result 2025. This year, the Engineering Department of Dhaka University will also help prepare the medical results. The MBBS Result 2024-2025 merit list has been reviewed by the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology SUST this year. The answer sheets of students sent from all over the country have been scanned. They are being viewed through OMR machines. This is also in the final stages. Results has been ready tonight. Results will be released anytime on Sunday.
Earlier, the MBBS 1st year admission test for 2024–2025 was held on Friday, January 17, 2025. The test is held across the country at 10 a.m. Admission tests were held simultaneously in 57 venues at 19 centers. 1 lakh, 35 thousand, and 813 candidates were present for the admissions test. 1 lakh, 39 thousand, and 217 people applied to participate in the MBBS admission test this year.
Medical Admission Result 2025
The Medical Admission Result 2025 has been published today on 19 January 2025, 1:00 pm. The pass rate is 47.82%. A total of 5,380 candidates have been nominated for admission in government medical colleges. A total of 49,194 have passed. On the basis of national merit, 5,380 students have been selected for admission in 37 government medical colleges in Bangladesh this year.
According to the MBBS Result 2025 Merit List, 3,937 students have been selected from the current academic year and 413 students from the previous academic year. Sumaya Moslem Meem topped the merit list in this admission test. Her score is 292.5.
Missouri Moonmoon has been selected for admission in Dhaka Medical College. Her Total Marks is 287.25. Moonmoon got 87.25 out of 100 marks in the admission test.
How to know the Medical Admission Result?
The Medical Admission Result 2025 can be known through the result dghs gov bd mbbs website. Successful candidates will also be notified via SMS. The candidate has been informed of the mobile number provided at the application time.
Candidates with 40% marks in MBBS Admission Test has been included in the merit list. Only candidates on merit list has been informed of the result via SMS. Students with less than 40% marks are considered as unsuccessful and is not included in the merit list.
The waiting list has been published along with the MBBS Result 2025. Admission has been completed from the waiting list at the end of admission from the merit list. Private medical colleges will publish admission notice after completion of admission in government medical colleges. All government and private medical colleges will complete the admission from this merit list and waiting list.
MBBS Result 2025 (
Follow the instructions below to check the MBBS Result 2025 online website link. All the candidates has been able to know the result with his/her admission test roll number. Candidates has been able to know his/her Score, Merit positions, Admission test marks, Allotted medical college name etc. The name of the candidate who has been nominated for admission in the medical college will also be mentioned in the MBBS Admission Result 2025.

- Visit the website.
- Click on MBBS option
- Enter your admission test roll number.
- Click on the result button.
- Check your Result.
Medical Result by SMS
The Medical Result 2025 can be known through SMS. However, the Directorate General of Health Services DGHS will inform about the result by SMS the candidates. Candidates will not be able to know the result by sending a message. SMS has been sent only to successful candidates about the MBBS Result. Candidates who get 40% marks in the admission test will get a place in the merit list. However, the Merit list has been Published for 33 thousand and 860 candidates. The result has been informed to the mobile number provided by the candidate at the time of application. There is no opportunity to send any SMS by the applicants.
MBBS Merit List 2025
The Medical Admission Result 2025 Merit list has been prepared on the basis of written admission test and candidates SSC/Equivalent and HSC/ Equivalent Examination Results. This result has been prepared by considering 100 marks in written test and 200 marks in SSC and HSC results. SSC result is considered as 75 and HSC equivalent result is considered as 125 in preparation of merit list. However, those who got less than 40 marks in the admission test were not given a place in the merit list. There are 48 Thousand and 975 Candidates has been Passed in the Medical Admission Test this year. Among of them, the Seat has been Allotted for 4 thousand 350 Candidates.
Medical Admission Waiting List 2025
The waiting list has also been published along with the medical admission result. Admission has been completed from the waiting list after completion of admission from merit list. Those who are on the merit list have to complete the admission in the prescribed medical college. If he/she is not admitted in the nominated college, his/her seat has been declared vacant and it has been given admission from the waiting list. However, if the candidate is admitted in the designated college, he/she will get the opportunity to migrate later.
Private medical colleges will accept admission from the same list after completion of admission in government medical colleges. Each private medical college will issue a separate admission notice. They will complete the admission according to the merit score.
Medical Re-scrutiny Application
If anyone has any objection to the Medical Admission Result, he/she has to apply for re-scrutiny within the stipulated time. Applications can be made through Teletalk Mobile. Medical result can be challenged by paying the prescribed application fee. Detailed notices and instructions regarding the Medical Admission Result Challenge can be found on the Directorate General of Health Services DGHS website. Re-scrutiny Application can be made from 112 January. The Medical Result Challenge Last date is 20 January 2025. Re-scrutiny Application Fees is 1000 taka. Which can be Made through Teletalk Pre-paid Mobile SIM. To Apply for Medical Prescription Application, First go to your Mobile Phone Message Option and Type- DGHS <space> RSC <space> Admission Roll Number and Send it to 16222. After getting the PIN Number, Send the Second and Final Message like – DGHS <space> RSC <space> YES <space> PIN Number and Send it to 16222.
MBBS Challenge Result 2025
A total of 5,190 candidates have challenged the medical admission test result. They have applied for re-examination of their results. Verification of their answer sheets has already been completed.
MBBS Challenge result has been Published on March 2025. Those whose results will change has been informed via SMS to the mobile number. Updated results will also be published on the Directorate General of Health Services Website Applicants has been able to know the updated result with their admission test roll number.
Medical Migration Result 2025
Government Medical Migration Result 2025 has been published Today on 29 February 2025. Earlier, the MBBS 1st Migration Result was published. Although the migration list for MBBS admission in Government Medical College.
The MBBS and BDS migration list 2025 has been published together. This migration result is being published in view of the fact that several seats are vacant in MBBS and BDS courses. There are 334 vacancies in government medical colleges in Bangladesh this year. These vacancies has been filled by students from the migration and waiting list.
The number of seats in Government Medical College of Bangladesh is 4,350. Of these, no student was admitted in 45 seats and 289 students were canceled. In all, the first phase of migration of 334 students has been completed.
MBBS Migration Result has been known as merit list. The results has been published on the Directorate of Health Education website. The selected students will also be informed of the results via SMS.