HSC College Admission Confirmation 2024 for All Merit List

HSC College Admission Confirmation Process

The first merit list for XI Class Admission is being published today. Those who get a place in the merit list must ensure HSC College Admission Confirmation. The College Selection Confirm fee Tk. 328. A student only needs to confirm once.

Admission must be confirmed within the stipulated time frame. If someone does not confirm within the stipulated time, his/her nomination will be canceled. He/she will have to apply again in the next step.

The HSC College Admission Confirmation is to get a chance to book a college. That means making sure you get admitted to this college. However, if your college changed through migration, you will no longer have to be admitted to this college, but will be admitted to the new college which are finalized by auto Migration. College change through migration will only be at the top. So there is no reason to worry. If the college changes through migration, there is no need to confirm anew. However, if you do not want to be admitted to this college, then it is better not to confirm. Because if the college is not changed through migration, the current college will remain in force. Once confirmed, it will not be possible to re-apply.

Admission Confirmation Date

The 1st Merit list of HSC Admission has already been published. Students on the merit list have to be confirmed within the stipulated time. Let us know the date of confirmation of the three merit lists.

Merit List Confirmation Start Deadline
First Merit 7 September 2024 10 September 2024
Second Merit 17 September 2024 18 September 2024
Third Merit 24 September 2024 25 September 2024

Confirmation Process

College confirmation can be done through mobile banking system bKash, Nagad, SureCash, Rocket, Teletalk etc. Confirmation fee Tk. 228. A student can only confirm once. Before confirming, you need to know the detailed procedure from the Central Admissions website xiclassadmission.gov.bd. The confirmation procedure is given below. If you do not understand any subject, you have to understand all the rules at your own risk and be sure about confirmation. The Result Bangladesh will not be responsible for any lack of information. The Confirmation Processes are given below. For Details Payment Instruction of Confirmation Process with a easy way for you follow the Admission Website Confirmation Section.


The procedure for confirming admission through Teletalk is given below for the students who want to be admitted to class XI. Remember that if you want to confirm the admission through Teletalk, the service charge will be Tk 14.60, so the total cost of the confirmation fee and Teletalk service charge will be Tk 242.60.

CAD <space> The first three letters of the board <space> roll number <space> Pass year. Then send it to 16222.

Example: CAD DHA 104285 2020

When the first SMS is sent, a PIN number with the name of the student, Board of Education, roll number will come in the Reply SMS. Now Prepare the Second SMS with following format.

CAD <space> YES <space> PIN NUMBER <space> is a mobile number. In this case, the mobile number must be the number given by the student's application. Then send it to 16222.

Example: CAD YES 121252 01762 ******

Payment by Rocket

Now if you want to confirm the admission through rocket then the service charge will be 3 taka so the total cost including confirmation fee and rocket service charge will be 203 taka.

  1. Step 1: Dial * 322 *.
  2. Step 2: Click on the Payment option. Then click on the Bill Pay option or just get the Bill pay option first.
  3. Step 3: Now you will get two options called Self and Other. If you have your own rocket account, you have to click on self option and if you have another account, you have to click on other option.
  4. Step 4: Enter payer's mobile number in place of Enter payer mobile number.
  5. Step 5: Then type 515 in the Biller ID option.
  6. Step 6: Press the Answer option and enter the board code <> pass year <> roll number in Bill Number. No need to give any space. Example: Bill Number DHA2019162535
  7. Step 7: Press Answer and type 228.
  8. Step 7: Enter the last account PIN number.

If all the above processes are successful, you will get a message of Payment Confirmation from 16222.


Payment by SureCash

If you want to confirm by SureCash, the service charge will be only 3 taka, so the total cost of confirmation will be 203 taka.

  1. Step 1: Dial * 495 *.
  2. Step 2: Then click on the Payment option.
  3. Step 3: Then write CADR on the next page.
  4. Step 4: Now enter the board code <> year of pass <> roll number on the Student ID page. No need to give any space. Example: DHA2019162535
  5. Step 5: In this step you have to give the mobile number.
  6. Step 6: Then the applicant's name, roll number and Tk. 228 will be deducted and the PIN number of your account will be asked.
  7. Step 7: Once you enter the PIN number, the admission confirmation process will end.
  8. Step 7: If the payment is successful, the Payment successful message will be displayed or will come.


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