How to Recover Primary User ID and Password? If you lost your Primary User ID and Password, don’t worry about it. You can easily recover your Primary Assistant Teacher User ID and Password. It is so much easy to recover both of User ID and Password.
If you have Applicant’s Copy, I think you will found your User ID easily to Download Primary Admit Card. Follow your Application Copy upper left corner. You will be found your User ID like ABCD or something else. If you lost your Applicants copy also, no problem. You can also re-download your Applicants Copy again.
Recover Primary Assistant Teacher User ID:
To Recover Primary User ID, you will be needed your Name, Father’s Name and Mobile Number. Please note that, all information must be correct. Information must match with your applicant’s copy, which you given on online Application Period. You can be recover your User ID and Password after Admit Card are published officially.
How to Recover Primary User ID?
- Visit
- Click Recover User ID menu.
- Type Your Name
- Type your Mothers Name
- Type your SSC Roll Number
- Select your Education Board Name
- Select your Passing Year
- Click Show User ID button.
Recover Primary Assistant Teacher Password:
After Recover User ID you can be Download Your Password. You cannot recover your Primary Assistant Teacher Password without User ID. So before recover password, recover your User ID with above format first. Password Recovery Process is same as User ID. User ID and Mobile Number will be required for Password Recovery.
How to Recover Primary Password:
- Visit
- Select Password Recover Menu
- Input your User ID
- Write your Name
- Write Your Mothers Name
- Type your SSC Roll,Board and Passing Year
- Fill up Security Option.
- Click Show Password Button.
After Successfully Recover your User ID and password now go back on Home page or Click Login Menu to Download Primary School Assistant Teacher Admit Card.
Finally, If Admit Card are ready to Download, DPE will be notify you about Admit Card via SMS. On Admit Card Download SMS, they will send you both of User ID and Password. So don’t worry about your User ID and password!