result  – Govt School Admission 2025 is the official website for Government School Admission 2025. Through this website, the student admission process for all government primary and secondary schools in Bangladesh, from classes 1 to 9, will be completed. In addition, the admission process for all private schools in Dhaka City, district, and upazila levels will also be completed through this website.

The admission policy and circular for the academic year 2024-2025 have already been published. Applications for admission to government and non-government schools must be submitted through this website. After the application process, the results will be published through a digital lottery. Students will also be able to check the lottery results from this website. From here, you can find all the information related to School Admission 2025, including admission circular, application rules, list of government and private schools, information on vacant seats, admission results, waiting lists, and other information related to the admission process. is the official website for the School Admission 2025. This is the central admission system for the school admission process of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education. Through this, all the admission activities in classes 1 to 9 in schools of Dhaka metropolis, all districts, and upazilas will be completed. Students can complete the application form and find their admission results through this website.

Govt School Admission 2025

The Government school Admission Process in the country has started and will be completed centrally this year. As part of the admission process, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) has already published the Govt School Admission Circular 2025 and admission roadmap.

  • The application starts: 12 November 2024
  • Application deadline: 30 November 2024
  • Government School Lottery: 17 December 2024
Govt School Admission

Non-govt School Admission 2025

The admission process for non-government schools will also be completed through the website. Under the GSA system, the admission process of all private schools, including Motijheel Ideal School and Viqarunnisa Noon School in Dhaka metropolis, district, and upazila level, will also be completed along with the admission of government schools. No admission test will be taken in non-government schools this year, and the results will be published through a lottery.

  • The application starts: 12 November 2024
  • Application deadline: 30 November 2024
  • Application fee: 110 Taka
  • Non-govt School Lottery: 17 December 2024.
Non-govt School Admission 2025

School Admission Form 2025

Government and Non-government School Admission Notice 2024 has already been published. According to the published notification, students will be admitted to different classes of all government and non-government secondary schools and feeder branches in the Dhaka metropolis and across the country in the academic year 2024-2025. No admission form will be distributed from the school. Applications for admission to all classes can be made through the website School admission forms can be filled out from November 12, 10:00 AM to November 30, 2024, 5:00 PM. After completing the online application, applicants must pay an application fee of 110 Taka. 

The application fee has to be paid through Teletalk’s pre-paid mobile phone. The following information will be required to fill out the admission form for government and non-govt schools:

  • Recent color photograph of the applicant. Image size 300×300 pixels. Maximum file size 100 KB in JPEG format.
  • Information such as the student’s name, father’s name, mother’s name, permanent address, present address, etc., will be required.
  • Student’s birth registration number and date of birth.
  • Father’s or mother’s National Identity Card Number.
  • Preference order of maximum 5 schools.
  • Quota information if applicable. apply

All government and non-government school admission forms can only be filled out through the apply link. Follow these instructions to fill out the application form:

  1. Go to the admission website
  2. Enter the “Application Form” option.
  3. Fill out the application form with the necessary information.
  4. Preview the application and Upload Photo.
  5. Submit it if everything is correct.
  6. Print and save a copy of the applicant.
  7. Pay the application fee as per the instructions on the applicant’s copy.

Payment Instruction

After completing the online application, a 110 Taka application fee must be paid. Even if you apply online, your application will not be accepted if the fee is unpaid. Using the User ID obtained in the applicant’s copy, the application fee has to be paid from any Teletalk prepaid mobile number in the following rules. Candidates have to pay the 110 Taka application fee through two SMS. 

  • First SMS: GSA <space> User ID and send to 16222. Example: GSA <space> ABCDEF and send to 16222.

The return message will include a PIN along with the student’s name. You must send the second SMS using this PIN.

  • Second SMS: GSA space> YES space> PIN and send to 16222. Example: GSA space> YES space> 123456 and send to 16222.

School Admission Result 2025

Like other years, no admission test will be taken for any government or non-government school this year. Student admission will be completed in all classes through a digital lottery.

However, the lottery will be conducted for the remaining vacant seats only after the admission of the students of their own school is completed on a priority basis. The lottery will be completely digital. The lottery will be conducted centrally for schools at all district and upazila levels. After the lottery, the merit and waiting lists will be published through the central admission website 2025. Admission will be completed according to the published Merit and Waiting list. Result 2025

School Admission Result 2025 has been published today. Government and non-government school admission results for 2025 have been published through result 2025 link and SMS. Students and guardians can check the results from the admission website by their User ID/Application ID. Government and non-government school lottery results have been published separately. However, both can be viewed through the official admission website. 

The waiting list has also been published along with the merit list. To know the school admission lottery result 2025, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the admission website
  2. Enter the lottery result option for government or non-government Schools.
  3. Select Merit List, Waiting List-1, or Waiting List-2.
  4. Enter your User ID and press the submit button.

Govt School Result by SMS

Govt and Non-govt school admission lottery results can also be known by sending SMS. This will be known after the official publication of the results. To know the result from any mobile phone operator in Bangladesh, an SMS has to be sent following the instructions below.

  1. GSA <space> RESULT <space> User ID
  2. Send the SMS to 16222. 

For your ID, follow your applicant’s copy. You will find a User ID like ABCDEFG on the top-left of the admission form.

After sending the SMS, Teletalk will inform the result in a reply. Please note that the results of the government school admission lottery can be known by sending SMS after 3:00 PM on December 17, 2024. SMS can be sent from any mobile phone operator in Bangladesh like Grameenphone, Teletalk, Banglalink, Robi or Airtel.

School based results

After the lottery is completed and the results are officially published, the schools will also be able to login to the website and download the results. Merit list and waiting list can be downloaded in PDF format. To login, the institution’s EIIN and password will be required. After downloading the result, it has to be published on the notice board of the school and the admission process has to be completed following the prescribed procedure.

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