Govt School Admission Result 2024 Link-

Government School Admission Circular

The govt school admission circular 2024 has been published. Students will be admitted through a lottery in all government schools from class one to class nine. From October 24, 2023, to November 18, 2023, the government school admission form for 2023–2024 can be completed. An application form can be filled out through the GSA Teletalk Com BD website. Application fees of Tk. 110 must be paid for a maximum of five schools. The application fee can be paid only through Teletalk. Admission lottery results will be published at the end of the online admission application.

Students will be admitted through the lottery in all government schools across the country, including the Dhaka metropolitan area, this year. No admission test will be taken. Besides, students will also be admitted centrally to private secondary schools. No admission form will be distributed by the school this year.

Govt School Admission Circular 2024

The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) has published the Government School Admission Circular 2024. The admission notice will be applicable for all government schools, including Dhaka Metropolitan. The 44 government secondary schools in Dhaka metropolis (including 3 feeder branches) will be divided into 3 groups. A candidate may apply to a maximum of five schools within the same group in the order of their preferences.

Applicants across the country will also be able to view a thana/upazilla based educational institutions list at the application time. In this case, the candidate can give preference order of 5 schools. Note that in schools where there are double shifts, applying for both shifts will be considered as two preference order.

In the 2023 academic year, the admission result will be published centrally through digital lottery.

Government School Admission Form 2024

In the 2024 academic year, govt school admission applications of all government schools located at Dhaka metropolitan, divisional cities, districts, and Upazila level will be accepted online. Admission application will be completed through web and SMS. Students wishing to participate in the admission process can fill up the application form on the website. Application fee can be paid by SMS from Teletalk's pre-paid mobile number. Online application will start on October 24, 2023, from 11 am. The application deadline is November 14, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Follow the instructions below to fill out the government school admission form.

  1. Visit the admission website
  2. Go to the Government or Non-Government School Option.
  3. Enter the application form option.
  4. Fill out the application form with the required information.
  5. Provide school preference order. You can choose a maximum of 5 schools.
  6. If all the information is correct, submit the application.

Application Fee Payment

After completing the Online Application, candidates will get a User ID. An application fee of Tk 110 has to be paid from any Teletalk pre-paid mobile number using the received user ID. The application fee has to be paid through two SMS. The application fee can be paid till 11:59 pm on November 18, 2023. Payment Instructions are mentioned on the Govt School Admission Circular in Details. Follow the instructions below to pay the application fee.

First SMS: GSA <space> User ID and Send to 16222.

Second SMS: GSA <space> YES <space> PIN and Send to 16222.

It is important to note here that if you do not pay the application fee even after applying online, the application will not be accepted. The application will be final only after successful payment of application fee.

Govt School Admission Circular 2024


Govt School Admission Result 2024

Bangladesh Govt School Admission 2024 BD Result has been Published. The Government School Lottery Result 2024 can be known from 28 November 2023. The Non-government School Admission Result 2024 has also been Published on the same day. The Lottery system was fully digital. After Completion the Lottery Process, results has been uploaded on the website. It will also be sent to the Applicant's mobile Number. The Government School Admission 2023 Result can be checked through the GSA Result Teletalk Com BD website. Applicants can check the Result with their User ID. User ID is Mentioned on the Applicant's copy.

The Govt School Admission waiting list will be published after the admissions process on the merit list is completed. If there are any vacant seats, admission will be taken from the waiting list. Selected students must complete their admission within the time frame. If someone fails to complete the admissions process within the time limit, the nomination will be canceled. Now you can ask, "How do I check the government school admission lottery result?"

Follow the steps below to find out the results of the government and non-government school admission lottery for 2024. You can view the results once they have been officially published. This procedure can be used to check both the merit and waiting lists.

  1. Visit website
  2. Go to the Result Option [Click Here]
  3. Go to the Govt School Admission Result or
  4. Go to the Non-govt School Admission Result.
  5. Go to the Merit list or Waiting List option.
  6. Type your User ID (According to the Applicant's Copy)
  7. Press the Submit button and Check your Result
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