The Govt School Admission Circular 2025 has been Published. This Government School Admission Circular 2024-2025 applies to all government schools in Bangladesh, including Dhaka Metropolitan. Candidates must apply online for admission. The official website for applications is Admission applications for all classes must be submitted through this website. This is Bangladesh’s SMS and web-based government school admission portal. The admission process for classes 1 to 9 will be conducted within the same timeframe.
Admission to government schools in Dhaka will be completed through the same process. In other words, admission to all classes in all government schools in Dhaka will be completed through a lottery system. There will be no admission test for any class.
Admission to government schools outside Dhaka, at the district and upazila levels, will be completed through the same process. Everyone has to apply online, and the admission results will be published simultaneously. The admission policy for 2024-2025 has already been published for government and private schools.
Government School Admission 2024-2025
Students must apply online for admission to government schools. The application period is from November 12 to November 30. Govt Admission results will be published after the application deadline. Admission results will be published through a centralized lottery. The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education has already announced the roadmap for admission to government schools for 2024-2025. According to the published policy, notification, and roadmap, the important information is as follows:
- Application start: 12 November, 2024, 11:00 AM.
- Application ends: 30 November, 2024, 5:00 PM
- Application fee payment deadline: 30 November 2024, 11:59 PM
- Application fee: 110 Taka
- Official website:
- Lottery Result: 17 December 2024

How to Apply?
The application process for Govt School Admission 2024-2025 must be completed by filling out the application form on the official website and paying the application fee via SMS from a Teletalk Pre-paid Mobile number. The rules for filling out the Web Application Form are as follows:
- You can fill out and submit the application form by browsing the website
- Candidates will fill in all their information online according to the instructions on the application form. Candidates applying under different quotas must tick (✔) the box for the applicable quota. Otherwise, the quota will not be considered.
- The candidate will scan their color photograph (length 300 × width 300 pixels) in JPEG format and upload it to the designated place in the online application form.
- If the online application form is completed correctly and submitted according to the instructions, the application preview with the picture will be visible on the computer. If the application form is submitted correctly, the candidate will receive an Applicant’s copy with a User ID and picture.
- The candidate will keep a print or downloaded copy of the online application form for assistance with any admission-related needs.
- Since the selected information provided in the online application form will be used in all subsequent activities, candidates must be 100% sure that all the information provided is accurate before applying.
Payment Instruction
After completing the online application, the application fee must be paid through Teletalk. Rules for paying the application fee via SMS:
- Using the User ID obtained in the Applicant’s copy, the candidate will pay 110/- Taka per application as an application fee by sending 02 (two) SMS from any Teletalk Pre-paid Mobile number in the following manner.
- First SMS: GSA<space>User ID (obtained from Web Application) and send to 16222.
Example: GSA<space>ABCDEF and send to 16222.
The return SMS will contain a PIN with the student’s name and others, which will be used to send the second SMS.
- Second SMS: GSA<space>YES<space>PIN (obtained from the first SMS) and send to 16222. Example: GSA<space>yes<space>123456 and send to 16222.
It should be mentioned that even if all parts of the online application form are filled out and submitted, it will not be accepted until the admission application fee is paid.
As all communication related to admission will be done through the mobile phone number provided by the candidate in the online application form, it is desirable to keep that number active at all times and follow the instructions received via SMS immediately.
User ID and PIN Recovery
If the applicant loses their User ID and Password, they can be recovered from the admission-related website or via SMS. Candidates can retrieve their respective User IDs and PINs by following the SMS method described below only from Teletalk pre-paid mobile phones.
- If you know the User ID, GSA<space>Help<space>User<space>User ID & Send to 16222 Example: GSA Help User ABCDEF & Send to 16222
- If you know the PIN Number, GSA<space>Help<space>PIN<space>PIN No & Send to 16222 Example: GSA Help PIN 1234567 & send to 16222
Govt School Admission Test
No admission test will be held for Govt School Admission this year. Admission tests for all classes have been canceled. As a result, the admission process in all classes will be completed through a lottery.
This year, a 50% catchment area has been declared for government school admissions. In other words, students from their area will get 50 percent priority. In addition, a 10 percent quota has been kept for students coming from government primary schools for admission to class VI. Freedom fighter quota, disabled quota, and other quotas have also been retained.
Govt School Admission Result 2025
The Govt school admission results for 2025 in Bangladesh have been published. The government school lottery was held on December 17, 2024. Through this, students will be admitted from class 1 to class 9 in all government schools at the district and upazila levels. Private school admission results will be published on December 17.
School admission lottery results for 2025 for both government and private schools have been published on Applicants can view the merit list and waiting list with their User ID. Results can also be obtained via SMS.
Educational institutions can download a PDF copy of the school admission results from the GSA website. They can also download the merit and waiting lists by logging in with a User ID and password.
Govt School Admission Result 2024-2025
Today, December 17, 2024, the Govt school admission lottery results have been announced. This lottery was held centrally in Dhaka at the International Mother Language Institute. It started at 11:00 AM and was conducted through Teletalk. Students were selected through software in a completely digital process.
The government school admission result lottery ceremony was broadcast live on the Facebook pages of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education and the Ministry of Education. In addition, the lottery was also broadcast on YouTube channels.
The admission process will start after the results are published. Admission will be completed from the merit list for students of all classes. If there are vacancies in any school, admission will be completed from the waiting list. Students will also be selected from the waiting list through a lottery.
The selected student must submit all necessary documents to the concerned school at admission. Students must submit the necessary documents for the catchment area and quota (if any). The admission committee will complete the admission after verifying all the documents. If students fail to submit the required documents or complete the admission, their nomination will be canceled.

Govt School Lottery Result 2025
The lottery for all government high schools in Bangladesh will be held simultaneously. Apart from Dhaka Metropolis, students will be admitted through lottery in all government secondary schools at the district and upazila levels. The admission results of all government primary schools attached to high schools (feeder branches) will also be published through lottery. Students from class 1 to class 9 will be admitted through a lottery.
- Selected Candidate List
- Waiting Candidate List-1
- Waiting Candidate List-2
How to know the GSA Result?
After the lottery is completed, the GSA Result 2024-25 will be published on the website and via SMS. Selected students will be informed about the result via SMS. Teletalk Bangladesh Limited will send the result to the mobile number provided when applying. Follow the instructions below to know the government school admission result.
- Go to the official results website
- Go to the “Result for Individual Student” option for the merit list.
- Go to “Waiting List for Individual Student” for the waiting list.
- Type the User ID mentioned in your applicant’s copy.
- Click on the “Submit” button and see the result. Result 2025
The government school admission result 2025 will be available through the GSA Result Teletalk Com BD website. A day-long lottery will be held on December 17, 2024. The lottery results will be published the same day after the completion.
The lottery results will be communicated via SMS to the candidate’s mobile number. Candidates can also find the results on the GSA result website. Results will be accessible using the User ID. You will find your User ID on the applicant’s copy that you printed after applying online. If your name is selected for any school or shift, you will see your name, birth registration number, picture, the name of the selected school, the selected shift, and other information in your result. Follow the instructions below to view government schools’ merit and waiting lists.
If a student is not selected for any school, it will show “Sorry, You are not Selected.” No further information will be visible in the result. In other words, only the results of the selected students will be visible in detail.
Govt School Admission Waiting List 2025
The waiting list for government school admissions has been published. The waiting list for students and schools has been uploaded online. Click here to view the waiting list for students. Click here to view the waiting list for schools.
If there are any vacancies in any government school, admission will be completed from the waiting list. If students fail to gain admission or submit the required documents on time, their seats will be canceled. Admission will be taken from the waiting list for the vacant seat. The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) will monitor the admission process. The admission process, including the waiting list and the last date, will be published on the DSHE website and the notice board of the respective school.