DU Admission Result B Unit 2025 – Dhaka University

The undergraduate admission process started with the DU Admission Circular 2024-25 publication. The roadmap for Dhaka University admissions in 2024-25 has already been announced. According to the announcement, the admission process for all units will be conducted online. Admission applications will be accepted through the admission.eis.du.ac.bd website. This is the only official website of Dhaka University Admission 2024-2025. Students must download their admit cards from here to participate in the admission test, and the unit-wise seat plan will be published here before the exam. The results of the admission tests for all units will also be published on the same website. After completing the Subject Choice Form, the subject allocation and admission process will be completed online.

DU Admission Circular 2024-25

The Dhaka University Admission Circular 2024-25 has been published. According to the DU Admission Circular, all interested and eligible candidates must apply online. The admission form can be filled out from 4 November 2024. The online application has started at 3:00 PM.

The DU Admission Circular 2024-2025 includes application instructions, payment instructions, eligibility for the admission test, the test date, marks distribution, information related to the admit card, the seating plan, and the admission test results.

Like last year, the Dhaka University Admission Test 2024-25 will be held in eight divisional cities, including Dhaka. Candidates can select the admission test center during the admission application.

Dhaka University Admission Test 2024-25 will begin on 4 January 2025. This year’s exam will start with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences exam. Application begins on 4 November 2024, and the last date for application is 25 November 2024.

DU Admission 2025 Roadmap

According to the DU Admission Circular 2024-25, online applications can be submitted from November 4, 2024, to November 25, 2024. After that, the admit card for the admission test will be published. Admit cards can be downloaded from December 23, 2024. A separate unit-wise seat plan will be published before the admission test of each unit. Admission results will be published after the admission test.

The Dhaka University Admission 2024-2025 Roadmap is given below:

Serial No.EventDate and Time
1Start of online applicationNovember 4, 2024, 12:00 PM
2Last date of applicationNovember 25, 2024, 11:59 PM
3Admit card downloadDecember 23, 2024
4Seat planTwo days before the admission test
5Admission resultsAfter the completion of the admission test of each unit

Admission Test Schedule

According to the DU Admission Circular 2024-25, the admission test will start on January 3, 2025, and end on February 15, 2025. MCQ and written tests will be held for Ka, Kha, and Ga units. MCQ and drawing tests will be taken for the Cha unit. This year, the Gha unit (D unit) has been canceled.

Faculty NameUnit NameAdmission Test Date and Time
Faculty of Arts, Law and Social SciencesKha Unit (B-Unit)25 January 2025
Faculty of Business StudiesGa Unit (C-Unit)8 February 2025
Faculty of ScienceKa Unit (A-Unit)15 February 2025
Faculty of Fine ArtsCha Unit (F-Unit)4 January 2025

Eligibility for Application

The applicant must be qualified to participate in the Dhaka University admission test. The eligibility for the Dhaka University admission test unit-wise is mentioned in the admission circular. Candidates must be qualified to apply in the Ka, Kha, Ga, and Cha units.

According to the Dhaka University Admission Circular, candidates must have passed the HSC or equivalent examination in 2024. The SSC and equivalent passing year must be from 2019 to 2022. There is no chance to apply for the second time. Candidates must have the required GPA to apply for each unit. The minimum total GPA, including the fourth subject, will be calculated. Follow the subject-wise qualifications below.

Unit NameMinimum Total GPAMinimum GPA in HSCMinimum GPA in SSC
Ka Unit (Science)8.003.503.50
Kha Unit (Arts)7.503.003.00
Ga Unit (Business Studies)7.503.003.00
Cha Unit (Fine Arts)6.503.003.00

Application Form

Dhaka University Admission Form 2024-25 must be filled out online. No manual admission form will be issued. Students can apply through the admission-related website. This is the official admission website for undergraduate programs at Dhaka University. Candidates can apply for Ka, Kha, Ga, and Cha units through this website. Application fees can also be paid through this website. To complete the Dhaka University admission application, follow the steps below.

  1. Visit the website admission.eis.du.ac.bd.
  2. Now, go to the login option.
  3. Provide your HSC and SSC information.
  4. Provide necessary information.
  5. Select center and quota information.
  6. Upload your recent photo.
  7. Review all information.
  8. Submit the application Form.
  9. Apply your Unit(s).
  10. Pay the application fee.

Please choose your quota and mobile phone number carefully. It cannot be changed after submitting the application.

When uploading images, read the instructions carefully. Follow the image size, pixel, and color guidelines carefully. Choose your admission test center carefully. After applying online, there is no opportunity to change the center. Applicants have to appear in the admission test at their chosen center.

Payment Instructions

Candidates must pay the admission test fee while applying online. The fee can be paid immediately or later. However, it must be paid before the last date. If someone does not pay the application fee, their application will not be accepted.

The application fee can be paid through mobile banking, debit/credit card, or any scheduled bank. To pay the application fee, follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to Dashboard.
  2. Go to your applied unit.
  3. Press the payment button.
  4. Select your payment option.
  5. Pay the admission test fee.
  6. Download the payment slip.  
DU Admission Circular 2025

The notice section of the DU Admission website has published a detailed prospectus for all units. Please read the admission circular and prospectus carefully before applying online.

KA UnitKHA UnitGA UnitCHA Unit
Download ProspectusDownload ProspectusDownload ProspectusDownload Prospectus

Admit Card Download

After completing the online application, Dhaka University will issue the admit card. Separate admit cards will be issued for each unit. Candidates must download separate admit cards for each unit they applied to.

A notification regarding downloading the admit card will be published on the admission website. No SMS will be sent to the applicant’s mobile number. DU Admit card 2024-2025 download will start on 23 December 2024. It can be downloaded until one hour before the admission test.

After the Dhaka University admit card is published, candidates can download it by logging in with their HSC and SSC level examination information. The admit card will mention the date and instructions of the admission test.

Marks Distribution

This year, the Dhaka University admission test will be held in MCQ and written format. Written and MCQ admission tests will be held for the Ka, Kha, and Ga units. MCQ and drawing tests will be held for the Cha unit. The written exam answer sheet will not be evaluated if you do not pass the MCQ exam. The marks distribution and question pattern of Dhaka University admission test unit-wise are given below:

Unit NameMCQ ExamWritten Exam
Kha-Unit60 marks, 45 minutes40 marks, 45 minutes
Ka-Unit60 marks, 45 minutes40 marks, 45 minutes
Ga-Unit60 marks, 45 minutes40 marks, 45 minutes
Cha-Unit40 marks, 30 minutes60 marks (Drawing), 60 minutes

No calculator or electronic device can be used during the admission test.

DU Seat Plan 2025

Dhaka University seat plan will be published 48 hours (2 days) before each unit’s admission test. The detailed seat plan for KA Unit can be checked by logging in to the admission website (admission.eis.du.ac.bd) or by sending an SMS. SMS instructions will be included on the admission test admit card. To Check the DU A Unit Seat Plan 2025 for the Faculty of Science, Write – DU <space> SCI <space> Admission Roll and Send it to 16321.

DU Admission Result 2025

Dhaka University Admission results will be published after each unit’s admission test. The DU Admission Result 2025 will be prepared based on MCQ, written admission test marks, and HSC and SSC results.

According to the DU Admission Circular 2024-25, the written answer sheet will not be evaluated if someone fails the MCQ exam. Only the written answer sheets of the candidates who pass the MCQ will be evaluated.

Hopefully, the DU Admission Result B Unit 2025 for the Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Science will be Released on 6 March 2025. Other Unit Results will be Released within one month of the Completion the Admission Test.

Subject Choice Form

All candidates who have passed the admission test must complete the SIF form and subject choice form within the stipulated date. Along with the detailed information about the student, the subject preference order has to be given from the list of eligible subjects. Students will be called for an interview before subject allocation.

Subject Choice Result

DU Subject Choice Result will be published based on the student’s preference and merit. Subject Choice Results can be known by logging in to the Dhaka University admission website. The candidate selected for admission has to confirm the admission by paying the prescribed fee. If you want to activate the migration facility, you can do so online by paying the prescribed fee. After completing all the activities, the student’s final admission process will be completed. ​

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