Download DGFood Admit Card 2024 -

The Directorate General of Food Admit Card 2024 has been published. The DG Food Admit Card 2024 can be Downloading through website. The Admit Card has been Published for Assistant Sub-Inspector of Food. This is the DGfood Admit Card 2024. Although the recruitment circular published in 2024, the Admit Card of the Assistant food inspector, sub-assistant food inspector, upper division assistant, office assistant cum-computer operator and other posts, but the date of the test was not yet announced.

Applicants will be notified of downloading admit card through SMS. After receipt of SMS, the admit card can be downloaded from the recruitment website of the Directorate General of Food. Also, the Admit Card Download notice and Exam Date will be published on the official website dgfood gov bd. Besides, it will be informed by the different newspapers.

How to Download DGFood Admit Card?

  1. First visit the Directorate General of Food Recruitment website
  2. Login with user ID and password in the Admit Card option.
  3. Download the Admit Card PDF file.
  4. Print it color to 4 size papers.

User ID and Password Recover

To download the Directorate General of Food Admit Card, you must login with the user ID and password. The candidate was provided the User ID and Password through SMS after the Recruitment Application. Also, the candidate will be provided users ID and password through SMS related to the Admit Card. User IDs and passwords can also be recovered from the recruitment website. Follow the instructions below to recover user ID and password.

User ID Recover

  1. Click the User ID Recovery option in the Admit Card option.
  2. Enter your name, father's name and mobile number (the way you were written during the application).
  3. Click the submit button.

Password Recover

You can recover password directly if you have the user ID already. Besides, if you do not have a user ID, recover the user ID before the above rules. Then recover passwords according to the following directions.

  1. Click on the password recovery option.
  2. Enter your User ID and Mobile Number.
  3. Collect password by clicking on the submit button.

Exam Date

The Directorate General of Food DG Food Exam Date announced. The MCQ Test will be held on 26 July 2024. However, Later it was postponed. The New Date will be announced soon. The candidate will be informed by SMS if the date of the test is fixed. Besides, it will be notified through the website of the Directorate General of Food. However, Exam Date will be mentioned on the DGFood Admit Card.

Seat Plan

The DG Food Seat Plan will be published before the Recruitment test. Different Seat plan for each position will be published. The seat plan will be published on Directorate General of Food website and various national daily.


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