BUP Admission Result 2025 was Published today, 18 December 2024. This is the BUP MCQ Result 2025 for the Written Test. The BUP Result 2025 can be known through the Bangladesh University of Professionals Notice Board. The results can also be downloaded from the official website, bup.edu.bd. FBS, FST, FASS and FSSS unit results will be published simultaneously. Candidates can also be informed of the results through SMS. The MBA Admission Test Result was also published today.
BUP Result 2025 Date
The Bangladesh University of Professionals BUP Admission Test Result 2025 will be published on 18 December 2024. It will be available on the Website at 6:00 p.m. However, this is not an official notice. You can check the Result from the Result Bangladesh website Update Information.
বাংলাদেশ ইউনিভার্সিটি অব প্রফেশনালস এর ভর্তি পরীক্ষার রেজাল্ট ১৮ ডিসেম্বর প্রকাশ করার কথা থাকলেও সেটি স্থগিত করা হয়েছে।
BUP Admission Result 2025
The Bangladesh University of Professionals Admission Test 2024-25 was held on 13 and 14 December 2024. The test was held simultaneously in Dhaka. Faculty of Security and Strategic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business Studies, Faculty of Science and Technology, and Master of Business Administration MBA admission test is conducted in written form. Then today the BUP Result is being published.
The BUP Merit list 2025 and the waiting list have been prepared only based on the written test. Quota results will be published at the same time. SSC and HSC results were not considered in preparing the BUP merit list, waiting list, and quota results.
How to know the BUP Admission Result?
The Bangladesh University of Professionals BUP Admission Test Result 2024-2025 can be checked through the admission website (admission.bup.edu.bd). Faculty based results will be published on the notice board of the BUP website. A PDF copy of the result will be published on the notice board of each faculty. You can also download BUP Admission Result 2025 PDF from the Result Bangladesh website. Both Written and Viva Result will be published on the Same Process. After Completion the Viva-voce, the BUP Final Result 2025 will be published.
BUP written Result 2025
A total of 79700 candidates participated in the BUP written test. There are a total – candidates who have been qualified for the written test. Candidates who have passed the written test have been selected for the Viva-voce. Faculty-based BUP Admission Result 2025 PDF files are given below. Students will be able to search the results with the admission test roll, name, father’s name, or any other information.
Faculty Name | Unit Name | Written Result | Final Result |
Faculty of Security and Strategic Studies | FSSS | Download FSSS Merit List | FSSS Final Result |
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences | FASS | Download FASS Merit List | FASS Final Result |
Faculty of Business Studies | FBS | Download FBS Merit List | FBS Final Result |
Faculty of Science and Technology | FST | Download FST Merit List | FST Final Result |
Master of Business Administration | MBA | Download MBA Merit List | – |
The BUP Viva Schedule and the Written Test Result have also been released. Viva voce will be held on the BUP Campus in Dhaka. Based on the Written Test Result, Viva-voce, Candidates will be given Subject. Selected Candidates must complete their admission within the stipulated time. Otherwise, the Nomination will be canceled. In this regard, Admission will be taken from the BUP Waiting List 2025.